Monday, July 7, 2014

Book Signing Event: Stephanie Perkins

Last Sunday July 06, 2014 is one of my most unforgettable experience. It's the most awaited book signing of Stephanie Perkins!hosted by National Bookstore.
Yep, you heard that right, Stephanie Perkins! because of that I decide to go there early..maybe a little bit early a day before the event. (I'm insane).

so, when I arrived at National Bookstore between 2-3pm, I really did expect that there are already people there. maybe around 4 or 5 people. I was surprised that there's only one, his name is Jerson. we met through online so it wasn't really boring waiting.

Alas, after a few hours another on came Godwin (we met through online aswell) Laurence,I was really surprised to see my book gal friends Anjeli and Vanessa. 7 of us are already waiting by 8pm.
                                Firts 7 people who came. the day before the event from 1pm-8pm
                                   (Vanessa, Me, Anjeli,Laurence, Cerise, Godwin and Jerzon
We also helped arranging the chairs, it was really fun. the staff are also nice to us. fans kept coming every hour. we bonded and talked alot about books! then there was 11 of us waitng in the line.
then, something happened! we were almost falling asleep when one shouted "Is that Stephanie Perkins??!!!" we turnes and YES! It's Stepahine and her Husband waling hand in hand towards us. and boy, did that wake us up! we were jumping, squealing and we even got to hug her!. It was a first time of a author to come out ang greet their fans before the event.

It was like a dream! alot of picture taking and hugging. she stayd with us for 20 mins and after that we aren't sleepy anymore.and I didn't sleep. my eyes aren't closing so, mostly I stayed awake for 38hours or more. So, when morning came i wasn''t really surprised of how many people came because they love Stephanie perkins so much! (Thank you Vanessa for the pictures!)

This is my registration stub/ticket got the #2 spot! I couldn't believe this! I got threee book, the other is for my friend Jassie because she couldn't come at the sigining. the even will startt at 2pm

this is Team Eleven taking pictures while waiting for the event to start. Meeting new friends is the best!
Photo from National Bookstore
                                             Holding the Isla and The Happily Ever After ARCS
I was one of the lucky one to get an ARC of Isla and the happily Ever After with a tote bag. it was really, *sobs* my emotions. ever since I finished Anna and The French Kiss, I wanted a story about Josh. I liked no, I think I love him more than St.Clair, so having the ARC copy!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
 look at me I'm so so so happy! I really can't believe and I told her that I really really love JOSH!!!

my signed Anna and The French Kiss, Lola and the boy next door and Isla and the Happily Ever After.

Thank you so much National Bookstore and all I can say is that THIS IS THE BEST SIGNING EVER!! THANK YOU STEPHANIE PERKINS, HER HUSBAND, NBS Staffs and my new friends!

Note: majority of the pictures are not mine, The group pictures are not mine they belong to my friends :)

I'll add this one, so on my way to the event I bought books! Yep, harcover of the The Infernal devices and City of Heavenly Fire.and so to add my Perkins books and Unteachable. I have total of 11 books on hand and boy, they were heavy! but all in all it was one of the best day of my life!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Book signing event

Last April 26 is one of the eventful day of my life. 
National Bookstore here in the Philippines hosted this event.

Just three amazing authors came to the Philippines! NBS invited them, ever since the announcement I was really excited for this event. see the picture above. those were only the books I've bought with me at the signing. Its kind of heavy but hey! It's worth it.
I decided to leave my house by 4am because I know there will be a LOT of people.I reached the mall by six am and guess what? I'm already number 51.
look at the crowd! I think there were 2000 bookworms who came to this event.
Tahereh Mafi. 
I went to this event and I haven't finished reading her books yet but I know from what my friends told me that her books is really good and I'm team Warner! she was really sweet and not to mention nice! to bad I couldn't talk to her longer but I did tell her that I love Warner.
The handsome Ransom Riggs.
 so when it was my turn for the signing. I was frozen I don;t know why so he started the conversation like this
Ransom Riggs: Hi!
Me: *starstruck*
Ransom: *signing my books and looked at me* It was nice meeting you. :)
Me: You're so handsome!
hahaha talk about awkward
and finally Veronica Rossi! 
before the signing I saw on one of the tweets from Ms. Karen Davilla and picture of her and Veronica Rossi and I was like,
OMG! she's so pretty! I need to buy her books! and so I did. she is really pretty and nice!

so all my babies got signed! too bad there's no name just a signature but It's better with nothing! Thank you to my friends with me at the signing it was really fun! and thank you to National bookstore for this awesome event.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bookproblems: paperback or hardcover

 Paperback or Hardcover

I love paperbacks!  because they're cheaper and affordable but then I'm finding all Hardcover really beautiful and have the sudden urge to buy the hardcover books :3
So, last week I've decided to buy a book. I went to a local bookstore and found the paperback copy of Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. with my bookish friend Abby,I've asked her if I should  buy the paperback copy but then I've already have the hardcover reserved for me at another bookstore. I really love the US cover of Eleanor and Park it's so pretty and simple. I have the UK version of this but decided to sell it to buy the US cover.
After what I think 45 mins of thinking I bought the paperback version. I went out of the bookstore still troubled.
After 2 days I decided to buy the Hardcover (yea, I know. I sold the PB I bought again) I went to the bookstore and bought the Hardcover which I found really beautiful! I love it! (too bad it was a bit dirty, though). since Eleanor and Park is one of my best reads in 2013 buying this is hardcover wasn't bad after all.
So, today I've decided that I'm only going to buy the hardcover books to my favorite reads only. so far, I only have 6 hardbound books. :)